Physical Therapy Soldotna, AK

Physical Therapy Soldotna, AK

Do you find it difficult to move freely and carry out your daily tasks due to pain or injury? You should think about using Advanced Physical Therapy as a treatment option! Our physical therapy clinic in Soldotna, AK is located in Unit A at 44604 Sterling Highway, diagonal from the Blazy Soldotna Mall.

Advanced Physical Therapy employs cutting-edge pain management strategies as well as time-tested treatments to restore function and achieve the best results possible. Our physical therapists in Soldotna, AK are committed to using treatments that are tailored to the individual. Our therapy services are proven to be effective!

We conduct comprehensive assessments that result in long-term pain relief, function restoration, improved performance, and injury prevention. Our compassionate staff is eager to help you recover and achieve your health goals.

Our Soldotna, AK physical therapy clinic employs highly trained and experienced physical therapists who can treat any pain, injury, or discomfort you may be experiencing. Because of the success of our patients, Advanced Physical Therapy is a popular choice for people looking for pain relief in Soldotna, AK and the surrounding areas.

The goal of Advanced Physical Therapy is to create complete clinicians and healthcare teams, to provide an optimal physical therapy experience. If pain or injury is preventing you from enjoying life to the fullest, Advanced Physical Therapy can help.

Are you prepared to live a healthier life with the assistance of Advanced Physical Therapy?

Are you looking for a guide to help you identify more effective steps you can take to resolve your aches and pains, regain function after an injury or surgery, and improve your overall health? If you’re searching for physical therapy in Soldotna, AK or the surrounding areas, look no further! We’d love to meet with you and work together to develop a treatment plan for pain relief, healing, and improved health and well-being!

We are committed to assisting you in achieving your objectives so that you can return to living the life you desire. We will determine the root cause of your condition by assessing your symptoms, medical history, and any health constraints you may have before designing an action plan for your rehabilitation.

When developing your treatment plan, the physical therapists at Advanced Physical Therapy will consider your specific needs and goals. We are confident that with our assistance, everyone who visits our physical therapy center will be able to achieve their physical goals!

Rest assured that our Advanced Physical Therapy team will always guide you to health and optimal functioning. We work hard to create a pleasant, welcoming environment where you can quickly recover.

Business Hours

Monday-Friday: 7:00 am - 6 pm

Social Media

Our Soldotna, AK Physical Therapy Clinic Offers Top-Notch Treatment So You Can Start Feeling Better ASAP!


Back Pain

Is back pain preventing you from doing what you want? Have you ever slept poorly because of back pain or strained your back while moving something heavy? Perhaps you hurt your back while playing a sport. Whatever the case may be, you do not have to suffer from back pain.


Shoulder Pain

Most people are unaware of how much they use their shoulders throughout the day until they become injured. From simple tasks like getting dressed or preparing a meal to more strenuous activities like lifting and participating in sports, the health of our shoulders is critical to our ability to function normally.


Physical Therapy

Is your pain keeping you from the activities you love? The first step toward living our best lives is to find relief! Physical therapy is a highly effective and safe way to relieve pain, improve mobility, and regain functional abilities.

Soldotna, AK Physical Therapists

meet our team!

Our knowledgeable staff at Soldotna, AK physical therapy clinic will work with you to determine the source of your problems and provide effective treatment for any pain, injury, or condition you are experiencing.

The physical therapists at Advanced Physical Therapy are among the best in the industry! We will treat you with compassion and encouragement throughout your rehabilitation to help you reach your recovery goals as quickly as possible.

Every therapist here possesses a wealth of knowledge and expertise. We will explain your condition in detail and clear up any confusion about the steps required for a successful outcome. We are committed to identifying the underlying cause(s) of your condition and treating the cause rather than the symptoms.

We understand how critical it is for your recovery to understand exactly what is going on and how to resolve it. Every step of the way, our team will address your questions and concerns with clear instructions and explanations. We will also provide detailed information on how to avoid future injuries while encouraging you to reach your goals!

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Lindsy Moore


What You Can Anticipate With Physical Therapy In Soldotna, AK


Physical therapy is the most effective and least invasive treatment option for a variety of symptoms, injuries, and conditions.

The goal of physical therapy is to treat the whole person. Not only do we treat your pain and/or injuries, but we also strive to improve your overall health and well-being.

Furthermore, we strive to provide you with the tools and education you need to avoid future pain and injury. Imagine being able to play with your grandchildren, walk your dog, or participate in that athletic event without pain!

At Advanced Physical Therapy, our ultimate goal is to help you move better, feel better, and function at your best, making your life easier and more enjoyable. You’ll be able to resume and carry on with your favorite activities and daily routines in no time.

What Would Your Day Feel Like If You Weren't In Pain?

If you weren’t in pain, you would be able to do the things you want to do, like play with your grandchildren, or take that walk around the park with your dog, or perhaps participate in that athletic event with your co-workers. Stop letting pain control your life. Request an appointment and start your road to recovery!